Guidelines creating your own Statement Of Purpose (SOP) Nepal

Guidelines creating your own Statement Of Purpose (SOP)

Paragraph wise:
  1. Information about student’s family background. If married, details about spouse education qualification, spouse career information and date of marriage.
  2. Detailed information of academic career starting from year 10/high school to the highest qualification undertaken by the applicant mentioning DATE, MONTH AND YEAR OF COMMENCEMENT AND DATE, MONTH AND YEAR OF COMPLETION.
  3. Detailed information of work experience gained if aplicable including Date,Month and Year of commencement and Date, Month and year of completion.
  4. Gap explanation – provide information on any period of time (gaps) between formal studies and work experience
  5. Information regarding research done on similar programs being taught in home country.
  6. Information on research/comparison between USA, UK, Canada, UK and Australia as a study destination and the reason for not choosing to study in a home country.
  7. Reasons highlighting why Australia is the preferred destination.
  8. Reasons highlighting why applicant has chosen CQ University- Information on comparison of CQ-University with other universities would be desirable.
  9. Knowledge about CQ-University-Applicant should be able to demonstrate knowledge about the university-its origin, number of campuses, student support services etc
  10. Awareness about the chosen program-Applicant should be able to demonstrate knowledge about the program, total number of subjects, number of core/elective subjects, name of the key subjects, teaching outcomes and internship element if applicable.
  11. How the program will benefit the applicant in career growth?
  12. Detailed information on future career plans-highlighting the intended area/job title/designation and targeted companies for employment upon returning to home country and expected salary(please note the quoted expected salary should be realistic and based on market/industry trends).
  13. Reasons highlighting the incentives to return back to home country-family circumstances, family assets, possible job prospects etc.
  14. Obligations of a student under higher education visa subclass.


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